Law School sounds like a horrific nightmare for a girl. They turn into bitchy poopsmiths. Is it possible for girls to be collegial and competitive at once? We’re natural born killers. Cut throat. Boys get by because they know how to be friends. How is this misperceived in society? Fraternity is a common word, but Sorority? Fraternize, yes. Sororotize, what? Come on. City of brotherly love. They know that sisterly love is cat fight central. Cat fight. JESUS. The language imagery is never ending against women and girls. I’m beginning to think that it really is that we’re smarter and they’ve been able to suppress that for ages due to their fraternal bonds. What the hell? And I’m not even an active, righteous feminist. I like being a girl (and therefore I am a feminist). I find myself singing the Gap commercial and being perfectly happy with that. I also think men are cool too. They definitely have a role in society and many of them are very conscientious about other people and are caring human beings. Very nice traits, men.
What would I do if I didn’t have the city’s sketchiest bachelors leering, greeting, and complimenting? As much as we’re all like “oh my god this sketch dude was totally checking me out,” we like it. As long as it doesn’t cross the line. Where’s the line? Wherever I feel like putting it today, so watch it. See, women are like new X-5 drivers who used to drive hatchback Honda Civics (or Red Sox fans… the eternal underdogs who suddenly, miraculously won the World Series). A small inexpensive car driver attitude behind the wheel of a fancy big rig is a dangerous combination—that’s why they’re afraid. They’re scared that once we leverage our power behind that big wheel their days are numbered. Why can’t we all just get along?
More thoughts on this to come. We shall discover as we go.
Disclaimer: this is me thinkging out loud. So if you don't like it, comment. Let's discuss. I'm not always right.
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