Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bottom Rung

I'm usually not excited about being on the bottom, but that all changes under different circumstances, doesn't it?

As of today, and I suppose after I complete some paperwork, I will officially be on the Harvard University payroll. After finding out that I nailed the class despite skipping a couple of sessions last semester, I decided it would be fun to try and TA for the class. I was encouraged by Mr. BoyfriendPants and sent my prof an email. As it turns out their enrollment this semester is a record high, so they actually need some some help grading homework. So, she asked me to do that. Not sure how much it pays, but it shouldn't be too bad or too many hours--and who's in that for the money anyway? Good line on the resume--if being lower on the ladder than a TA is good. I also get to remember it which is invaluable.

Who ever thought Anthro/Philo/French-never-took-math-in-college girl's first job in academia would be grading Statistics papers?

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