Thursday, November 02, 2006

How did I skip October?

I think this marks the first time since I started this blog in February 2005 that a month has completely passed without writing a post. My apologies.

Since September 27th, my life has gotten a little wilder, messier, but probably more fun. I guess that's why there's not much news here, but I'll try to be better now that I have a slightly more reliable internet connection.

Recap from October:

1. I moved out of the old lady house to a place that's a 20 minute walk from work.
2. I managed to lose my sewing machine. (Through incidents that I'd rather not discuss.)
3. My buddy Jill and her bird came to visit.
4. I started a fellowship with StartingBloc and my team managed to be a finalist in a competition that I desperately wanted to lose. It's getting a little more exciting now.
5. I represented my company all weekend in DC where on the way, my train had to get an engine replacement, my hotel couldn't check me in because the computers were broken, my booth had no furniture and I had to pay for all of the equipment services with my own credit card. When my hotel finally did check me in I was handed a working key to someone else's hotel room. However, it was a great experience and despite being absolutely exhausted by the end, I'd do it again... but differently.
6. My boyfriend and I got back together.
7. Choir picked up. (you should come to the concert. it's cheap.)
8. My boss quit.
9. My new boss started.
10. Halloween.


Aileen said...

Wow- how weird! I think I was on that same train- was it October 14th? Took forever to back to DC!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've pretty much managed to skip November as well, eh? What's going on, my friend?