Thursday, May 18, 2006

Great Plains?

My most recent experience proves otherwise. Iowa was certainly Great, but definitely not Plain. There were rolling dips, valleys, and hobbit-like hillsides. Plus it was incredibly green. Granted, the last time I was in Iowa, I was praying that I would find gas before having to stop in a cornfield over night and couldn't get out fast enough since it was so muggy, buggy and gross, but this time was different.... and windy. I even managed to have a slight wardrobe malfunction with my dress due to the wind. Luckily, my dad, the alleged mobster that he is, brought a big black raincoat, so I covered up.

This particular scene is from a cattle round up that we accidentally delayed--being the city slickers with cameras that we are. Needless to say, Amy was embarassed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tina! check this out!