Saturday, July 15, 2006

Not So Invisible in Harlem

Yes, it's true. I found a place in New York where men still turn their heads when I walk by. And they talk to me. It feels like home. Plus, I almost talked myself into a ride on the back a of a garbage truck. Pretty sweet ride.


Anonymous said...

Ummm... I hate to burst your bubble but I think the men in Harlem stared at you bcause you're white. I mean REALLY white. You're like a flash of light! At least, that was my experience in northern Manhattan with the Dominicans. I started staring at white people too! I started to feel like Steve Martin in "The Jerk" it was a huge surprise to look up and see that Chris was white..and then, hey I'm white!

Anonymous said...

Amy beat me to it. But I guess if it's important to you to be stared at, it sounds like you have found a way.