Thursday, January 26, 2006

and other times...

We drink too much wine accompanied by too much bitching about work. I'm really not completely losing it. Just mostly.

However, if anyone does figure out what I want to be when I grow up, I'd love to know.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006


sometimes we hate our jobs and don't know why.

sometimes we are not sure if we hate our job.

sometimes we are not sure what we'd rather do.

I think I fall into the 3rd category.

does anyone know?


Monday, January 23, 2006

Breakdown Uplift

I didn't have to smoke a cigarette Friday night because:

a) Brian and Lisa forcibly tore me away (in tears) from the Bloomberg Machine
b) Sam bought me a beer
c) Prof. Weinstein sent me an email telling me that I got an A- in Stats
d) of Grant's general distaste for my staying at the office too late (in general)
e) Jeff's encouragement that I can do it and that I am consistently productive

Thank goodness for these people, because smoking is gross.
I hate cigarettes, but I was seriously considering it as an option.

Last night I had 2 dreams. In one, I had a baby named Chrystina. She was cute. In the other, I was friends with superheros, but it wasn't as good as it sounds and made me sleep until 9am. Both somewhat disturbing.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Housewarming Tonight

Who: You, if I know you or if Grant knows you.
What: Appetizers (baby homemade pizzas? some chrystina classics?)
When: 8pm ish and then maybe we'll go out. Low key ish.
Where: My house. The whole world doesn't need to know, so email me cg [at] motleyprincess [dot] com
Why: Because Grant and I just moved in and it's cold without a bunch of bodies. Ok, that part is a lie and it's supposed to be 60 degrees.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sometimes You Just Have to Not

Sometimes we make mistakes and have to delete posts. Welcome to my world of stupidity.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I managed to leave my phone in a restaurant twice this weekend... and leave it there for several hours before realizing it was gone. Oh I'm brilliant.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Santa, baby...

Once upon a time, I was a senior in high school. I was learning about Japanese literature in my AP English class and reading Memoirs of a Geisha. I fell in love. I desperately wanted to learn what a Kanji was and to find out by being there. Then Christmas came along. In my family, we do presents from each other Christmas Eve night and then Santa comes Christmas morning--that's when you get the good stuff. So Christmas Eve night, I open a package with a Lonely Planet guide to Japan. So, of course I'm thinking/hoping/praying that my stocking will bear some even more interesting fruit (like a ticket...). But no. Nothing quite like building up unrealisitic expectations....

Well that is all going to change: I AM GOING TO FREAKING JAPAN IN MARCH!!!

Travelzoo sent me an email yesterday morning with fares from $199 each way... so I sent an email to Jill with the link and "wanna go to Japan?" in the subject line (Laura live there... it's easy). By this afternoon she had purchased tickets for herself and her roommate, so I had to follow suit. The best part is that we will be on the same flight both ways. The only bad thing is that I will have to miss the first concert of the Spring because it is on the night that my flight leaves. I think I'll live. I can't wait to be among the ranks of those who have visited Laura in Japan. My life will be one step closer to complete. Now I just need to visit Leslie in Nicaragua which is supposed to happen this May. Then I can die in peace (or keep living in complete satisfaction).

Monday, January 09, 2006

All But One

So Sunday was spent putting things together and hanging things on walls. We're still not done--partially because my lovely dresser was missing a part... THE FREAKING BOTTOM OF THE DRAWER. So I have to go back to Stoughton. But at least this time I know you're supposed to take a right on Turnpike Drive.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Grant and I spent the day at IKEA today. Phew! It's over. We left here at about 9:15am and returned around 6pm--or about $770 later. All told, that's not bad. We bought 42 items with an average cost (including delivery of the big stuff) of $18.32. Most expensive item was $99.99; least, 99 cents.

Sudoku on the train was followed by a little conversation with the shuttle driver. We were the only ones on so early in the morning, so we thought he was making small talk when he said, "Have you all ever been here before?" "No," we replied. Out comes the cell phone... "Yeah, George, I'm on Turnpike Drive, was I supposed to take a left or a right at the light? Yeah, Ok, Thanks." This was followed by a U-Turn.

Then, in one of the home storage sections, a man came up to me and said "You're not, I mean, you look like, well, is your name Gabby? Your name isn't Gabby is it?" "No." "Ok, I thought not, but you look just like, well this girl we know looks just like you. Did you hear me yelling 'Gabby, Gabby'?" "No. Sorry, that wouldn't have registered..." "Right, ok. Sorry." His wife/girlfriend looked embarassed. "Quite alright."

Grant and I continued on our way and much later in the day, after lunch in the cafe, another such incident occurred. I was looking at this dresser that I ended up buying when Grant came back to the room I was in and told me that he ran into that same couple again--only this time it was the wife/girlfriend with the interesting remark. She turned around and saw Grant and said, "Oh! I thought you were a mirror image of my husband!" When Grant came back to tell me about this interesting case of mistaken identity, I hit the floor. I was literally crouched down on the ground losing it. I laughed and laughed until I cried. I could hear people walking by commenting on the situation and I think some of them thought I was for real crying and gave Grant some dirty looks. The situation just built on itself and I was afraid that I was either going to pee my pants or never ever be able to regain control of my body. Eventually I did, but had several flashbacks to that moment throughout the day.

On our way back to the T, the bus was much bigger. Very fancy too. I was looking down at the speedometer and noticed that it registered up to 120mph. I thought that was pretty funny until I looked down while cruising along the highway and noticed we were going 100mph... then I saw all the cars whizzing by and realized it was kph--then I thought it was hysterical and almost lost it again. Of course a bus can't go 120mph. Not even a fancy one.

Then the T ride where I ran into the doppelganger of my freshman year roommate (I restrained myself from asking her if she was Jess Szeto for fear of ending up like that other couple). Cab ride home was uneventful and the rest has just involved putting things on the wall and putting other things together. All in all, a good day. I like IKEA.

Now, I need to study for Tuesday's Statistics exam. Oh joy.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

Monday, I accidentally spit on someone on the T. Then he put on his glove in order to avoid it in the future. I got a nasty look. Really, I was just yawning, and it just popped out. I had no control.

Grant and I tried to ride the CT2 home. We were cold. There was a "Limited: Out of Service" bus coming our way when I said "Can we just get on anyway, please?" in jest, but in hope. And then it stopped. The driver said, "CT2?". And we said, "yessir" and hopped aboard.
Met the shopkeeper of the local convenience store. They have "everything", but "you just might be able to see it". So far we've tested them on butter, cream cheese, lemon juice, and baking soda. They passed. Granted, I didn't attempt with the fresh parmesan, but I didn't want to end up with Kraft.
We keep trying to meet our neighbors and then the cookies either get eaten (Grant's) or they turn into rocks (mine). Good thing I like rocks. Chocolate chip rocks.