Wednesday, April 12, 2006

La Paz, La Paz

Es fruto de la justicia.

Thus, Justice Comes FIRST.

You can't be unjust and expect peace. I hope the rallies yesterday helped solidify that.

Si! Se puede!

Yesterday my mom called to make sure I "got [my] butt to the protest" . . . "there are protests all around the country, and I'm sure there's one in Boston" . . . "your grandfather is from Mexico," she said, as if I didn't know. And all of this without as much as a hello.

I did eventually get down there, but only after people were dispersing. It was still nice to walk upstream facing a constant flow of people all speaking different languages yet standing together for justice.

I do not claim to know everything about this issue, but I'm going to, for now, err on the side of thinking that a huge wall, a bunch of money, forcing churches to gather and disclose information, and some trigger happy border police are not going to solve either our economic or our 'terrorist' problems.

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