Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Half Days Are Cool... Glug Glug

Today Leslie left me. That bitch. But not before liquoring me up at Parrish. Dear god save me if I ever hear the word "sparkling" again. Why did we follow the Russian's suggestion to have that last glass? We are not smart. At least we snuck into the 4 seasons servant's bathroom. Hell yeah. And we drank their lemonade. Then we had some Gatorade. There is not enough Gatorade in this world. I would like some more. We might have pissed off our friends due to lack of understanding in the phone communication business. They say they're not pissed. They might be anyway. Dear Jill, I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cg, it is impossible to be even remotely pissed at two giggly young women stumbling past all the children splashing in the Frog Pond. I only wish I could have spent those last hours staggering with you both. - Jill