Friday, November 04, 2005

Confidence Interval

As I get further and further into this statistics class, my confidence level diminishes. I swear everything was going just fine. I could do my homework in my sleep. And then last week I went to class and had no idea what the hell she was talking about. Then, I managed to skip my homework. Now we have a midterm next Tuesday and I'm struggling to complete last week's homework and will be away for the weekend. Granted, I'll be with someone, or a few someones, who could dance circles around me in stats, but I have a feeling that won't be on the top of the agenda. So, car sickness: here I come. Does anyone have any Dramamine?


Anonymous said...

Try marijuana; it may not cure reading-induced motion sickness, but the idea of you trying to work on stats homework while totally baked amuses me.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be worse than the dramamine. I took that stuff once and it made me sicker than I already as or ever want to be.