Monday, October 31, 2005


I know. I never write anymore and the last post was blatant theft.

Things are insane: Scooter Libby and Harriet Miers

In my news world it's: "We only have $125,000 to go, and we'll make it, but only if you call in now...." So I did last Monday, hoping against hope that other people would get the hint and call in or pledge on the internet. It's not that hard people. A monthly extract from your credit card of $10 probably won't hurt that bad. So support public radio. Damn thing was s'posed to end last Friday and went until today.

Halloween is funny, but I feel kind of Halloweened out. I almost didn't dress up today. But I did. The Data Princess. And my office mates performed well. We had a very sketchy Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite, a Rodeo Clown, Johnny Appleseed, Kenny from South Park, the Pirate (oh yes, the American Girl pants came back out), little miss muffett, a hunter, and Analyst X. Maybe some others. We even had a contest.

You know what's cooler than a costume contest? A limbo contest. You know why? Because I can actually win a limbo contest. Can you believe it? I actually won something. And now I am in pain. No, the limbo contest was not at the office; it followed several visits to the ice luge.

Stats homework is calling my name. I think that the quality of my work is deteriorating... just in time for the midterm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No pictures from the Limbo Contest? And what's this about an ice luge? You give all the details of a boring office party -- where there wasn't even any chocolate Hello People?! -- and nothing about the truly interesting stuff. Means I have to let my imagination take over. Just so you know, you had a great time and didn't even come close to being arrested.