Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Parties, Hobbies, and Religious Affliations: Oh My!

I wore a skirt to work today. Unfortunately it was the same skirt that I wore to my party. Well, that was not unfortunate, but it was unfortunate when I looked down at about 2pm and realized a little more than memory from the party had joined me on the skirt. Evidently, I spilled something. Not really sure what. Well, I don't think anyone noticed, but it was embarassing on the inside. Maybe I should wash my clothes before I wear them to work. Maybe.

In other news, my sister and her boyfriend are here visiting. It is like camping--only inside my apartment. They are knitting and watching Crouching Tiger--both of them. I think my new sidekick needs a hobby like knitting. Maybe he can teach me. Fan, are you a knitter? Well, it's ok if you're not. I need to know who this mysterious fan is... it's really starting to get to me, the suspense.

Today my other sister (6 years old) called and told me that when she comes in 2 weeks we will be having a Purim Party. Yes, somehow my little sister is the first Jew in our family, well, ever. And she is damn near orthodox. It is hilarious. Actually, she wants to dress up in costumes, play games, and win prizes. I guess that part runs in the family.

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