Thursday, March 31, 2005


I've been away awhile from this little blog, but that doesn't mean there's nothing going on. There's a lot going on. My mom, Lori, and Olivia just hopped on a plane back to Indianapolis. Despite having 4 people share one room, we managed to have the visit get off without a hitch. The problem came when we added a fifth roommate. This roommate was not invited. It was a mouse. A MOUSE!!!! And not the nice Mickey kind. Fortunately or unfortunately, my mom was here for it all. Fortunately because she's not afraid of killing mice. Unfortunately because now I'm sure she thinks I can't take care of myself and that I am a slob. While it's true that I sometimes leave dishes longer than I should. I'm not disgusting! In fact I was in a state of disbelief when we found the chewed up garbage bag in the kitchen--but as soon as I saw it, I became a believer--a believer in mouse traps. All told, after the use of 4 empty traps, one ball of aluminum foil, and one rubber doorsweep, there appears to be no more evidence of said rodent intruder. We think that the enormous gap between my front door and the floor was the cause, so now it may be a little difficult to open the door, but at least the nasty cat next door can no longer chase mice into my apartment. Thanks Mom.

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