Monday, March 21, 2005


How is it that all day I've been planning activities for this Friday with my family and my mom just now wrote to ask, "so can you join us?" Well, in a word, yes. Maybe menopause really does make you forget. In other news, not only am I making plans to entertain family here, I am also *hopefully* making plans to go to California in April thanks to Daddy Warbucks, I mean Dad. Hopefully he doesn't have any war bucks. I wouldn't expect that of him.

To clarify the last entry: just because I went to a peace rally and I think that the war is wrong does not mean that I think simply bringing the troops home is the answer. Unfortunately, we are in a really big mess and we do have an obligation to take part in cleaning it up. I'm not pretending that I know how to do that, but I do know that just leaving the area is not going to help anyone. Well, I don't think so anyway. As you can see by my wavering it is hard to see where to draw the line, and hard to have enough information to be able to make a confident statement. So I will quit.

I bought new socks today. Three pairs are electric colors: purple, shocking pink, and OrAnGe. I put the pink ones on on the way home with my all black outfit. Eventhough only about 2 inches were showing, people couldn't stop staring at my feet. It was hilarious.

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