Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Two Steps Forward

But how many steps back? How much progress can one little person handle at once? And if one spends all this time on progress, what gets left out, forgotten, neglected? In my case it is currently the dishes. Dishes are the bane of my existence. Why can't someone (please) invent a machine to fix this problem? Oh wait! Someone did. It's not a perfect fix since the traditional sort doesn't also put the blasted things away, but it's a start. However, I don't even have this requisite first step installed in my lovely 450 square feet (of pure freedom).

This has led me to my next conclusion: I need a sidekick. Forget freedom; sidekicks are way better than machines and freedom combined. Not only can sidekicks wash the dishes but they can also put them away! Brilliant! Ideally this sidekick would be smart, entertaining, not repulsive looking, fond of trying new food, approximately 5'10" or taller, healthy but without exacting standards about fitness that I can't live up to, good in bed (what? we all have shallow things on our wish lists), male, and most importantly, willing to do my dishes.

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch. For Graham make him a (web)guru, for papa make him latino. For me well I wouldn't holler if he were, well, neither of these things-or either, for that matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I´ve been following your blog, and I really enjoy it. I´m intrigued by your sidekick advertisement. I think I could be up for the job--smart, entertaining, not repulsive (yet still humble), always up for food adventures, tall, healthy in a moderate way--the rest you'll have to find out for yourself. I'm sure I'm lacking in a couple areas, but what the heck, where could I get an application? -a fan