Sunday, October 16, 2005

Halt Observation

I've been so obsessively busy lately that it's as if I have halted all of my observation skills. Or maybe I'm getting to the point in handing out this web address that I'm afraid to divulge personal details. That is definitely a problem. Plus, didn't I say that I was going to try to stop that anyway?

I haven't been listening to the news as much as usual because when I get up in the morning I basically just run out the door. Then I either get home after 10pm or I have to do homework. That is what I'm doing tonight. I made some chili too. Yummy vegan chili. Ok, I put cheese and sour cream on it, but it's mostly (90% plus) organic and perfectly safe for any vegan if you skip the toppings. I also made homemade cornbread.... I am clearly dedicated to my homework. Right. Well, except that I am. My first two assignments came back as check+, so I have to keep up appearances.

Speaking of obsessive, I just spent another half hour at work just now. There's this little problem that came up on Friday with some data that looked not quite right and I've been trying to discover the source of it all weekend. I'll intermittently have some sort of Eureka moment and I'll go back to work on the problem. I've still been somewhat unsuccessful, but I have been able to apply my new statistics skills, which is invaluable for my mastery of the subject. Go me! (I realize that I'm entirely pathetic.)

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