Thursday, September 15, 2005

Freedom of Fast Information

You might not be able to get an answer out of John Roberts, but damn it if Google isn't trying to fix that. Today Google launched a new Blog search. If you type in my first name, and just my first name, you will see that my blog comes up first. Pretty amazing. So now when I tell people to Google me, it's even easier than I thought.

So what does this all mean? Well for starters, if I want any privacy or anonymity, I need to take down this blog. But since I'm not really into that, I guess it's here to stay. However, it does make me think I should maybe censor myself a little bit because you never know who's watching. Granted, I have the hit counter, but I know for a fact that it thinks I'm visiting from Somerville. I live 2 towns away from Somerville. When Leslie visits the site from Nicaragua, it says she's in Guatemala. There's only this thing called Honduras between the two countries, but still.

Progress is cool. I'm a progressive (whatever that really means--it sounds a lot better than liberal). In any event, it makes this The Onion article look more and more like the truth.


Anonymous said...

Y porque no quieres ser Liberal?

*MP* said...

I didn't say that I don't want to be liberal, but the word itself seems to give the impression of having no self control etc. and maybe needs an image makeover. I want to be liberal, liberating, free, freedom-loving, but I also want people to take my views seriously and if I'm liberal (a liberal user of resources, a liberal drinker, etc.) that word might not convey what I want it to.

Anonymous said...

ps si, entiendo totalmente. es mas decir lo que quieres ser o hacer especificamente, no solamente un nombre de un grupo. al mismo tiempo,muchas (casi todos) de las ideas que tenemos son las del grupo "liberal" pero, como deci, la comunicacion de las ideas dice mas sobre las cosas importantes que algo tan vago como una asociación con un grupo.

*MP* said...

Right. So I want to be liberal but I don't (necessarily) want to be called a Liberal.