Sunday, September 11, 2005

I'm Good Enough!

I'm smart enough! And gosh darn it, I have some connections that get me into places if I'm not. Today I found out that I am one of the newest members of the Back Bay Chorale. I found out about Saturday's audition on Thursday. Fretted about a song to sing for my requisite prepared piece on Friday. Found sheet music at the public library and bought an iTune recording of one of my favorite Purcell pieces on Saturday, and after listening to it on a loop for about an hour, trotted over to my audition where I was astonished to find out that they were really impressed with the uncommon arrangement I had chosen. Luckily the arrangement matched the recording I bought. I'm sure this made me seem really well-versed in music. Well, no. I just found the only copy the library had and used it.

I'm not sure if it was my own merit or my connection to Laura that got me in, but either way, I'm ok with it. If you're in the Boston area (or if you're not but you might come out just for fun), check out the concert schedule. Or you can become a BBC Insider to keep yourself informed of new developments and to receive pre-concert information and artistic notes. You can also win free tickets if you're an insider.

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