Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mom Rocks

My mom is the greatest. She is headed to Houston in her car right now. The original plan was to volunteer for three months to help Katrina evacuees find families to live with in Houston. Luckily, Houston wasn't hit as badly as predicted and this is still a possibility. I am so glad that someone from my family is doing the right thing and has the means to be income-free for 3 months. I think I should buy her an iPod. Isn't that a weird thought? Well, maybe not. She's going to be spending a lot of time in her car, needs to be mobile, and CDs weigh a TON! Plus, she's a Mac fiend, so it fits. I'll work on it. Craigslist, here I come.

This does make me feel like I'm doing very little, but I'm also sacrificing my mommy to the land of displaced, unhappy people. I just hope that she finds, well, hope amid all the suffering.

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