Monday, February 28, 2005

Hot Banana

Well, I didn't manage to make hot cakes, but I did bring in some banana bread and despite it being my first shot, it went, well, like hot cakes--or maybe in this case, like stuffed peppers. There's just a better ring to hot cakes.

My apartment is clean! And it is staying that way! I am amazing! (Oh, Jesus, the ego has suddenly returned--it's actually just sheer amazement, but whatever). I added a little flair to my light switches and it is making me incredibly happy. I posted a picture of it. It's not meant to be the most professional-looking picture, so don't judge. (That goes for the rest of them--even if I do call them art. I realize that this is still a point and shoot digital whether it can go full manual or not... I am not proud of this fact, but it is my reality, so leave me in peace. I am probably the only one who cares, notices, etc., but still. It is my weakness. I am weak.) And the apology is officially longer than the substantive part. Congratulations.

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