Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day

In my family we have the fun tradition of embarassing each other with gifts of underwear for Valentine's Day. It's as if they were encouraging us to engage in activities which they verbally forbade. Interesting. Well this year took the cake for Valentine's Day gifts from my maternal units. I knew I was getting a package but I thought it would be a tax form, some underwear, and maybe a hand made card by my little sister (Olivia, the 5-year-old, not Amy, the college freshperson--being pc is so painful). Anyway, so I get home from a gruelling day at the office on Friday (was it? I don't remember) and there are not one, but two packages sitting below my mailbox. The top one, a large padded envelope, contained a pyjama kit, complete with pink slippers. The bottom one contained a coffee pot my sister donated (Amy), a store-bought, hand decorated card (from Olivia), cookie mix, hot chocolate, a tape of a church service which proceeded to break my tape deck (I don't know, maybe I forgot how to use it...), and last but not least, a drill with a drill bit kit.

The Jeff Foxworthy-esque joke of the story?

You know you have two mommies when...
you get pink pj's and a heavy duty drill for Valentine's Day. (Try the test, it works--did you get these gifts? If you did, you definitely have 2 mommies.)

Happy Valentine's Day!
Spread the Love

(see, even single people can remain un-bitter about the blessed holiday)

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