Friday, August 19, 2005

My Luxury Vacation in a Third World Country

It's not one swim-up bar: there were three--in the pools. There were also three beach bars which you can walk up to or the bartenders will walk (or sometimes run) out to you. The margaritas are a buck and a half during the 4-hour happy hour.

Yoga at 8am. Aqua Aerobics with the blue-haired wobblers at 11am. Beach Volleyball at 3pm. SpringBreak-esque nights until 3am. And not a single moment thinking about freaking spreadsheets.

I read The Kite Runner. Oh God it was good. I had to relinquish to my mother, however, so you can't borrow it until Thanksgiving.

Our maid's name was Eduardo and he was not a woman. A very friendly fellow, but he accidentally stole Olivia's baby blanket. It was returned.

I made guacamole with mango chunks in it. It rocked. I think I might go back and work as their guacamole maker/massage therapist. It's probably easier to get certified in Mexico, right?

I didn't see a whole lot of the evidence of Mexico being an underdeveloped country because I didn't leave the resort/American strip much. I did visit the Mayan ruins at Tulum, but that was as far off the beaten path as I got and let me tell you, that was pretty well beaten.

Next time, amigos, next time.

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