Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Then again, maybe not

Today I am doing everything I can to reverse the decision of yesterday. I am trying to stay at my current residence. I think I experienced my first sign.... Last night aroung 12:45 my building's fire alarm went off during a huge thunderstorm and there we all were in our jammies on the porch. It took the fire department a good hour and a half to arrive, so we got to bond... and then we bonded over cocktails. This was a pretty good sight for the firemen who showed up and must have thought we pulled the alarm. Even after the (healthy looking) firefighters left we stayed out on the porch with our drinks for another hour until 3am. It was then that I realized I really love my apartment and the people are great. Now I'm really determined to stay. It might be difficult to do now that my building's owner's son may be vying for my apartment, but I am going to try.

UPDATE: It appears that I am confirmed into my current place. I haven't yet signed a new lease, so keep your fingers crossed or knock on wood or whatever it is we need to do.


Anonymous said...

Quotation of the Day: "The longer you remain in the temple of grammar, the more you will dread the place." C.H. Ward, What Is English? 123 (1925).

*MP* said...

Yes, I realize there were certain language errors in this post. I fixed many of them. It bugs me too.