Monday, August 22, 2005

The Stones

The Rolling Stones are playing at Fenway Park, which, as the crow flies, is 0.43 miles from my house. I can hear the concert bouncing off the apartment building across the street. It sounds like the music is coming from the wrong direction. Did I mention I'm glad I'm not moving? How many people get to live 0.43 miles from Fenway Park? How many people get to sleep to the soothing voice of Mic Jagger? Which one of you is going to come back to me with a smart answer telling me the population of the Fenway Neighborhood? Oh wait, my little once-wanted-to-be-an-urban-planner friend doesn't read this. Oh, but Mr. SEIU does. Maybe he'll know. Anyway, life is good and now I've officially turned this into a rambling post.

I think I have swimmer's ear again.

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